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DISC trainers

The DISC track is a series of courses, assessments, e-books, Certification and other DISC-related content.
Although there are several trainers involved in different courses, the key instructors are:
Carol Dysart, Masters of Science in Counselling and resident of San Diego, CA, is known by her clients and students as a DISC Master. She has gained mastery in the “art and science of understanding people”, from working with many clients throughout her 30+ years, that have received the gift of their DISC Personal Style and her coaching, and from her client seminar and coaching companies around the world. Carol brings over three decades of experience using the DISC profiles to her CEO coaching, training them in how to get the most understanding out of their profile interpretation. She describes it as an “art” because there is a need for human interpretation of the information shown in the profile, and a “science” because the model has been statistically analysed as...